Monday, 8 July 2013

PINK INC. - Charity work or the gold mine?

Cancer Treatment is an expensive cure and not everyone can afford it. The research development work being conducted to find a comprehensive treatment for all sorts of cancer requires a lot of funds. Due to the current marketing trend and societal mindset, we see celebrities and media persons harping and ranting about breast cancer and how they have donated for a noble cause. Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer and helping anyone in need is definitely a noble cause.

Many societies, nongovernmental organizations, and charities have sprung up recently; claiming to be funding either cancer related research or contributing to breast cancer patients in one way or the other. Six billion dollars are spent annually on breast cancer related charities and breast cancer awareness programs. So it is no wonder that profiteers, scam artists, and swindlers have attached themselves to this gold mine.
Charity work or the gold mine? , Breast cancer Society
Breast cancer Society

So how do these organizations dupe you? A typical method is donation events, dinners, drives, and campaigns. In which they collect funds, which would be utilized to support a cancer treatment center or hospital in way or the other. For instance as of late the pink ribbon campaign, or brand supporting pink on their products, or merchandise, was widely supported by different sponsors, football player’s basket ball teams and etc. The main purpose was to fool you into buying products or merchandise of these products.

A layman was beguiled into thinking that he by shopping or buying something was indirectly supporting campaign against cancer. What they didn’t realize was that, the money raised from such campaigns are initially used to pay for elaborate campaigns, events and lavish dinners, then the remaining moneys are used for the executive and employee’s elaborate salaries and expenses and only very little actually ends up going to these hospitals. Only very few charities contribute directly to breast cancer centers or research related products. Form among those only few ends up as usual contributions. Contribution of many societies is minute in terms of its usefulness. A lot of these charities are fronts and are used for money laundering and dodging taxes. Not only are these scam societies and charities usurping your money but they are also indirectly marketing their sponsors, whose merchandize is sold in thousands.

So instead of becoming a sucker for ever pink ribbon item, you find, being sold at a walk rally, charity or gala; research about the charity and organization.  The more your research and read about the charity or organization, the more questionable things will pop up. Most scam charities will be shaky when asked to see their accounts or see where the money is spent. So find a charity that is transparent, especially when it comes to taxation.

Find out how the charity contributes, if the method contribution is appropriate for you then pitch in whole heartedly. Think about it, if not you then who? Breast Cancer society patients deserve our help, no matter how little. Try contacting the hospital or research center the charity claims to be sponsoring, ask them about the nature of contributions made.  Do not let the capitalistic vultures beguile you into giving your hard earned money to fatten the accounts of the profiteering rackets.

The 11th hour Samaritan in fight against Breast Cancer

Cancer is classified amongst the worst kinds of diseases the human kind has faced. It not only brings panic and havoc to a victim’s life, but if not caught on time brings a painful death to its victim. Breast cancer is one of the most rapidly increasing types of cancer in the United States. A recent study showed that 12.5% of all women in the United States have fought with breast cancer at some stage in their life. Since cancer victims are usually unable to care for themselves or pay fees for treatment, many charitable organizations have opened up throughout the world. However, one must keep an eye out for scams, since many unethical charitable organizations are taking advantage of this cause.

Samaritan in fight against Breast Cancer

The basic purpose of a good charity organization is to ensure education about breast cancer and provide financial help to those in need. A massive increase in breast cancer awareness can be reported, all thanks to the good work of numerous charitable organizations. This awareness has encouraged the populace to get regular checkups. This has consequently increased the rate of an early diagnosis; thus decreasing the death ratio of breast cancer victims. Good charity work can bring about a great change. The lives of many breast cancer victims have been changed for the good by organizations with clear intentions of bringing good to humanity.

Charity organizations collect donations and receive special aid from the government and private companies to provide assistance to those in need. Breast cancer is one of those causes that attracts large amount of donators. A simple pink ribbon on the chest is usually good enough to earn trust of a donator. Sadly, many charitable organizations are taking advantage of this by collecting funds and using them for personal gains. It is very easy for a charitable organization to cheat on taxes and get away with stealing donations. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other regulatory bodies have cracked down on many fraudulent charitable organizations, but the amount of scams keeps increasing by the day. Therefore, it is the responsibility of everyone to keep an eye out for unethical organizations, who are pocketing money in the name of charity work.

Misdirection and falsified information have become a common response from such criminals. Reliable breast cancer organizations are a welcome relief from such scams. They work as nonprofit organizations and are registered and recognized in many renowned circles of the cancer community. They take steps to ensure breast cancer victims do not stand alone in the fight. They have successfully managed to create a community full of dedicated volunteers and supporters. Moreover, good charities are supported by many big brands and companies and it makes them trusted for donators as well.

Donations will be necessity in the fight against breast cancer till the eradication of this disease. The genuine charitable organizations provide their donators with crystal clear financials details in order to uphold their image. With the help of these funds the lives of many breast cancer society victims have been changed. The testimonials of the breast cancer survivors are the most inspiring stories that thank real breast cancer charities for playing a pivotal role in their recovery.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Scam Societies on Breast Cancer Prevention

Breast cancer is increasing at an exponential rate which is an alarming situation for the medical research and prevention departments throughout the world. Research clarifies that if a person takes necessary preventive measures of breast cancer then the probability of disease reduces a lot. Thus different societies on breast cancer prevention were developed to fight with the disease and to create awareness amongst society. In spite of the huge amount of breast cancer prevention societies the disease is spreading like a fire in jungle. it signifies that some of these societies are not working properly or scamming due to which desired success in fighting breast cancer cannot be achieved.

Breast Cancer Prevention Scam

There is no doubt in this fact that they are many scam societies on breast cancer prevention which are only fooling people to generate money and that’s it. These societies are actually contributing in making the situation worst for the potential patients of breast cancer. The best way to prevent breast cancer disease is to make people aware about the circumstances which can catalyze the tumor development which ultimately leads to breast cancer. In the name of generating funds these scam societies sale low quality products and in return get huge money. People who are generous enough to contribute in a noble cause of preventing breast cancer deliberately purchase their products. They usually think that they are donating money for reducing breast cancer. Women are the special target of these scam societies as they know that women can emotionally provoked easily.

This is quite true because women are the victims of this disease and they are really concerned about preventing and treating this disease throughout the world. It’s very important for you to identify between illegitimate and legitimate breast cancer prevention societies. Scam breast cancer prevention societies always claim that they are doing extensive research work regarding the disease prevention. Their research work is usually a copied one from different research journals so the net result of your donations will be zero. It’s very easy to identify that whether their research is authentic or copied. With the help of internet you can identify that which work is available in which research journal. Similarly they arrange dummy awareness programs just for the sake for maintaining a record to show it to misguide innocent people.

Scamming is no doubt very common now a days but it really doesn’t mean that all these societies are scams and they are doing nothing for the cause of breast cancer. In fact some societies like the Breast Cancer Society are giving their best to keep people aware about this deadly disease. Different awareness campaigns and walks arranged by the Breast Cancer Society are very helpful for people to know about the causative agents of this disease and how simple precautions can keep you away from this deadly disease. The Breast Cancer Society not only creates awareness in the society but also provide medication for controlling breast cancer. You can also avail financial aid to fight with breast cancer if you cannot afford to do it on your own.